top of page Detailed Review and User Guide for Leonardo App – Breakthrough Creative Solution for Businesses and Content Creators

I. General Introduction

In today's digital age, content creation is no longer the privilege of professional designers but has expanded to everyone, from businesses to individuals.

This is especially true with the emergence of artificial intelligence technologies like , a platform that helps generate high-quality images from text descriptions. In the past, creating images required graphic design skills and was time-consuming, but with the help of , users can easily turn ideas into real products in just seconds.

In particular, Trung Kien Techdevinco , one of the leading technology and innovation companies in Vietnam, has successfully applied this platform to marketing and design campaigns, helping to save costs and improve the effectiveness of advertising strategies.

This success shows that  is not only an innovative tool but also an optimal solution for businesses in the digital age. Detailed Review and User Guide for Leonardo App – Breakthrough Creative Solution for Businesses and Content Creators


II. What is ? Detailed Overview of Leonardo App  is an advanced artificial intelligence platform that allows users to create images from detailed text descriptions. The power of this tool lies in its ability to understand and convert natural language into vivid images with high accuracy.

Powered by advanced AI technology,  goes beyond just generating images and offers a wide range of customization options, allowing users to adjust the style, color, and detail of the image as desired. This makes  an ideal tool for various fields such as marketing, education, e-commerce, and game development.

With an easy-to-use interface and detailed instructions, even those with no design experience can quickly get up to speed and make the most of the tool. Furthermore,  not only supports individuals but also allows teams to work together effectively, optimizing the creative process and ensuring quality output. Detailed Review and User Guide for Leonardo App – Breakthrough Creative Solution for Businesses and Content Creators


Practical Applications in Various Fields

  • Marketing and Advertising

In the marketing field, creating visual and engaging images is always an important part of any campaign. With , businesses can create images that match their brand strategy without having to invest heavily in professional design services.

Thanks to the ability to customize styles and colors, this tool makes it easy to create unique images that are tailored to each specific advertising campaign.

  • Education and Training

In education, illustrations play an important role in conveying knowledge.  enables teachers and content developers to easily create visualizations for lectures, textbooks, or learning materials.

The ability to create detailed images based on text descriptions enhances the learning experience and makes complex concepts easier to understand.

  • E-Commerce

For e-commerce businesses, creating impressive product images is crucial to attracting customers and increasing sales.  offers a flexible solution for creating high-quality product images without the need for complex photo shoots.

You can create multiple versions of your images with different styles to suit different audiences.


III. Outstanding Advantages of and Leonardo App

  • Customize Various Art Styles

One of ’s biggest strengths  is its ability to customize a wide range of art styles. You can choose from a variety of styles such as modern, classic, abstract, or realistic depending on your specific needs. This is especially useful when you need to create images with high aesthetic requirements or want to experiment with new styles without having to look for outside resources.

For example, in a high-end product advertising campaign, you can create images in a luxurious and minimalist style, while with creative campaigns, you can opt for a bright and dynamic color style.


  • Friendly and Easy to Use Interface

Not only outstanding in features,  is also highly appreciated for its user interface. The application interface is designed to be simple and intuitive, helping users easily get used to it from the first time.

The tools and options are logically arranged, allowing you to find everything you need with just a few clicks. This is especially important for those new to AI and graphic design, helping them quickly master it without encountering technical barriers.


  • Teamwork Support and Project Management

One of the most useful features of  is its ability to support teamwork and project management. In a business environment or a creative team, collaboration and sharing of ideas is crucial to ensuring success.  allows teams to work together on the same project, share feedback, and get real-time progress updates.

You can easily assign tasks, track progress, and make sure everyone on your team is in sync.


  • Flexible Commercial Licensing 's commercial licensing capabilities  are a strong point that cannot be ignored, especially for businesses that need to use images for business purposes.

With flexible licensing plans, you can use the images you create in advertising campaigns, media content, and many other commercial applications without worrying about copyright-related legal issues. This gives businesses peace of mind and flexibility when implementing large-scale marketing campaigns.


IV. User Guide – Step by Step Details

  • Sign Up and Create Account

To start using , you need to register an account on the official website. The registration process is very simple: you just need to provide your email and create a password.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email to activate your account. Once logged in, the friendly interface will welcome you with easy-to-use options, allowing you to start your first project right away. The registration process only takes a few minutes, and with the step-by-step interface, even new users will have no trouble setting up an account.

  • Select Project Type and Enter Text Description

Once you log in, you’ll be asked to choose the type of project you want to work on.  offers a variety of options, from creating illustrations, graphic designs, to creating realistic or abstract images. You simply enter a detailed text description of what you want to see in the image, such as “a sunset landscape over mountains with a golden-orange glow.”

AI technology will use this description to create the most suitable image. The AI's ability to understand context in  is extremely accurate, helping to create the image that the user wants.

  • Image Refinement and Editing

Once the image is created, you can continue to tweak it as you like.  allows you to adjust elements like color, contrast, saturation, and more to achieve the perfect result. If you’re not satisfied with the initial image, you can try different variations for the same description or tweak every little detail until you’re satisfied.

This is a huge advantage over many other tools, where users are often limited to pre-made results without the ability to do deep editing.

  • Export Images and Use for Commercial Purposes

Once you're done editing, you can export your images in a variety of formats like JPEG, PNG with high resolution.  also offers cloud storage options so you can easily manage and access your projects.

The created images can be used immediately for advertising campaigns, graphic design, or any commercial purpose you desire. The best part is that you don’t have to worry about copyright issues, as the tool offers flexible commercial licensing plans to suit your needs.


V. Outstanding Features of

  1. Text-to-Image Generation

    • Description : uses artificial intelligence to generate images from detailed text descriptions. Users simply enter a short description like “a field of flowers at sunset,” and the tool automatically generates images that match that description.

    • Application : This feature is especially useful for content creators, game developers, and businesses that need unique images for advertising campaigns.

  2. Customize Image Style and Details

    • Description : Users can customize almost every element in the image, from artistic styles like classic, modern to small details like color, light, contrast and detail.

    • Benefits : This feature allows users to create images that match their original ideas without relying on available templates, saving time and bringing high efficiency in the creative process.

  3. Friendly and Easy to Use Interface

    • Description : 's interface is designed to be minimalistic and intuitive, making it easy for users to navigate and use the tools. Operations such as entering text descriptions, choosing image styles, and editing are all very easy, even for those with no experience.

    • Additional Features : has detailed tutorials and smart suggestions to help users quickly get familiar with the platform.

  4. Teamwork Support and Project Management

    • Description : allows teams to work together on the same project, share feedback, and get real-time progress updates. This feature is especially useful for businesses and teams that need to collaborate closely during the creative process.

    • Additional features : This tool also allows for access authorization and task management based on the roles of each team member.

  5. Flexible Commercial Licensing

    • Description : offers flexible commercial licensing packages, allowing businesses to use images in marketing, advertising or sales campaigns without worrying about copyright issues.

    • Additional features : You can choose licensing packages that suit your needs from small to large scale, helping to optimize costs.

  6. Rich Library of Templates and Resources

    • Description : provides a large library of image templates, art styles and creative resources for users to quickly reference and choose from.

    • Benefits : Users can search and use image templates immediately or adjust them as desired, saving time and effort when starting a project.

  7. Ability to Create Image Variations

    • Description : With the same text description, users can create multiple image variations. This feature allows testing and comparing results to choose the most suitable image.

    • Additional Features : Users can ask the AI ​​to create variations based on a specific style or combine different styles to create unique images.

  8. Support Various Image Formats and Export

    • Description : allows users to export images in various formats such as JPEG, PNG with high resolution, suitable for different uses such as printing, digital advertising or posting on social networks.

    • Benefits : Flexible image export capabilities make it easy for businesses and individuals to use in marketing campaigns without having to perform many editing steps after exporting.

  9. Post-Generation Editing

    • Description : Once the image has been created, users can continue to edit elements such as color, lighting, and composition to achieve the best results.

    • Additional features : Users can add other graphic elements to the image or adjust every little detail to create the most perfect product.

  10. Online Support and User Community

  • Description : has a vibrant user community and a live support team that is always ready to answer questions. Users can learn from each other, share experiences, and innovate together.

  • Benefits : This makes it easy for beginners to get up to speed and improve their tool skills, while staying updated with the latest tips and tricks.


VI. Analysis and Evaluation – Comparison with Other Tools

  1. Compare With MidJourney

    • MidJourney is an AI image generator known for its ability to create abstract and expressive art, but  has the edge when it comes to customization and commercial optimization. 

    • Interface : has an easier to use interface, offering a variety of editing options after creating an image, helping users create more precise works according to their specific needs.

    • Commercial Licensing : stands out for its ability to offer flexible commercial licensing plans, a big plus when compared to MidJourney.

  2. Comparison With DALL-E 2

    • DALL-E 2  is one of the pioneers in using AI to generate images from text, with outstanding creativity and high-quality images. However,  excels in terms of interface and ability to support teamwork.

    • Project Management : With , users can manage their projects more easily and share results with other team members smoothly, something that DALL-E 2 does not support well.

    • Flexibility in use : becomes the optimal choice for businesses that need a creative tool with high flexibility, suitable for complex commercial projects.


VII. Practical Applications of  – Success Story from Trung Kien Techdevinco

Trung Kien Techdevinco has pioneered the application of in its marketing strategy and has achieved impressive results. Previously, creating illustrations and graphic designs was often costly in both time and money. However, with , the company has reduced design costs by up to 30% while still ensuring professional image quality.

  • Increased conversion rates : Thanks to high-quality, aesthetically pleasing images that easily attract customers' attention, the conversion rate of advertising campaigns increased by 20%.

  • New Product Launch Campaign : In this campaign, the company used images from to create unique and attractive advertising banners, attracting a large number of interested customers. This shows that applying AI technology not only helps save costs but also significantly improves business efficiency.


VIII. Advantages And Disadvantages To Know When Using


  1. Highly Customizable

    • Adjust Art Style: Users can choose from a variety of styles such as modern, classic, minimalist, abstract, to suit their creative goals.

    • Fine-grained customization: Elements such as color, light, contrast, and image detail can all be adjusted at will. 

    • Unlimited Creativity: Not limited by available templates, users can create unique images in their own style without relying on external resources.

    • Wide Application: Highly customizable, is suitable for a wide range of needs from individuals to businesses, from product design, marketing to content development.

  2. Friendly Interface

    • Simple, easy-to-use design: The interface is optimized with clear tools and options, making it easy for users to get used to it right from the first time.

    • Detailed instructions and smart suggestions: provides specific instructions and suggestions to help users achieve the desired results without spending a lot of time learning. 

    • Highly intuitive: Operations like entering text descriptions, choosing image styles, and editing are all logically arranged and accessible.

    • Suitable for everyone: Whether you are a beginner or an expert, 's user-friendly interface ensures that everyone can use it effectively.

  3. Teamwork Support

    • Real-time collaboration: enables teams to work together on the same project, share feedback, edit live without the need for external tools. 

    • Access Control: Easily manage and track the progress of each team member, ensuring the project runs smoothly and on schedule.

    • Optimized for businesses: The ability to support teamwork makes an ideal tool for advertising agencies, design agencies, and creative teams that need to coordinate closely.

    • Synchronize ideas: Every creative idea is combined and developed smoothly, thanks to the ability to connect and share information quickly.

  4. Flexible Commercial Licensing

    • Diverse licensing options: Users can choose licensing packages that suit their needs, from small projects to large campaigns.

    • Legal peace of mind: Images created can be used for commercial purposes without worrying about copyright, ensuring professionalism and legality for businesses.

    • Cost optimization: Businesses can choose the appropriate licensing package, thereby saving costs in the content production process while still ensuring compliance with legal regulations.

    • Flexible in use: Images can be widely used in many fields such as advertising, media, printing without any restrictions on usage rights.


  1. Free Version with Limited Tokens

    • Daily Usage Limit : 's free plan provides a certain number of tokens per day (usually 150 tokens), which limits users on how many times they can use the tool.

    • Inconvenient for high demand users : Users who need to create many images or work on large projects will quickly run out of tokens and have to wait until the next day to get more. This reduces work efficiency and can cause disruptions in the creative process.

    • Paid plan upgrade recommended : To get the most out of the tool without any limitations, users can consider upgrading to a paid plan with unlimited tokens and more premium features.

    • Good choice for beginners: Although limited, the free plan is still a reasonable choice for those who want to test the tool or do not have high daily usage needs.

  2. Advanced Features Take Time to Get Used to

    • Rich and varied features: offers many advanced features that optimize the creative process, but for beginners, it takes time to grasp and use all of these features.

    • Easy-to-use interface but complex features : While the interface is user-friendly, deeper editing options like customizing styles, tweaking small details, or creating advanced variations require users to have some understanding of the tool.

    • Experiment and learn: To get familiar with advanced features, users need to spend time experimenting, reading through tutorials, or joining user communities to learn from experience.

    • High Performance After Getting Familiar : Once users have mastered the advanced features, they can leverage to create high-quality and unique products that meet complex creative needs that are difficult to achieve with other basic tools.


IX. Optimization Guide for Businesses

  1. Choosing the Right Style for Your Marketing Campaign

    • Consistency in visual style : One of the factors that determines the success of a marketing campaign is consistency in visual style. allows you to experiment and choose the style that best suits each specific campaign. For example, for high-end products, you can choose a luxurious and minimalist style, while for products aimed at young people, a dynamic and creative style will be a more ideal choice.

    • Flexible Adjustment : You can test and edit your image style flexibly without spending much time. This makes it easy to change and optimize images to match your brand strategy.

  2. Optimize Teamwork

    • Effective Teamwork : In a corporate environment, effective teamwork is key to achieving goals quickly. allows team members to work together on a project, share feedback, and update progress easily.

    • Reduce inconsistencies and errors : helps avoid inconsistencies and minimize errors in the work process. Especially when working on large projects that require the cooperation of many departments, this tool will help everything become smoother and more efficient.

  3. Use Premium Packages for Increased Efficiency

    • Value from paid plans : If your content creation needs are large and ongoing, upgrading to 's paid plans will be beneficial. The premium plans not only provide more tokens, but also unlock advanced features like deeper style customization, super high-resolution image exports, and more.

    • Reasonable investment : This is a reasonable investment if you want to maximize efficiency and save time in the content creation process. Businesses can improve the quality of images in marketing campaigns and easily attract customers' attention.


X. FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions About

  1. Is free?

    • Yes, but with some limitations.  ’s free plan offers 150 tokens per day, which allows users to create a certain number of images. Each token corresponds to one use of the feature, and once you run out of tokens, you’ll have to wait until the next day to get more tokens. This makes the free plan a good option for those who want to test out the tool or have basic creative needs.

    • Suitable for personal users : For those who just need to create a few images for personal or entertainment purposes, the free plan is an economical and effective option. You can freely explore the features of without worrying about the cost.

    • Not suitable for high demand : For businesses or individuals who need to use a lot of images on a daily basis, the limitation on the number of tokens can disrupt the workflow. In this case, upgrading to a paid plan with more tokens and premium features will be a more reasonable choice.

    • Worth Trying : If you’re considering whether is the right tool for you, the free plan allows you to experiment without any financial commitment up front. However, to unlock the full potential of this tool, investing in the premium plans is something to consider.

  2. Is suitable for small businesses?

    • Perfect fit : is especially useful for small businesses that need to optimize costs without sacrificing image quality. One of the big advantages of is the ability to create professional images without investing in a design team or expensive software.

    • Flexible customization : With a wide range of customization features, from artistic style to small details, allows small businesses to create brand-appropriate visual content without having to rely on third parties. This saves costs and time in the marketing content development process.

    • Easy to use for non-technical people : The simple and easy-to-understand interface makes it possible for anyone in the business, from managers to marketing staff, to use the tool without any specialized training. This is especially useful for small businesses with limited resources.

    • Highly cost-effective : In a context where small businesses are always having to carefully consider their budget, offers a cost-effective solution that still meets the needs of content creation, from designing advertising banners to product images for e-commerce.

  3. How to optimize results from Leonardo app?

    • Be specific in your text descriptions : One of the key factors in getting the best results when using is how you describe your request. The more specific and specific you are, the better the AI ​​engine will understand and generate an image that is closer to your original idea. For example, instead of just writing “a cat,” be more specific with a description like “a golden cat, lying in the afternoon sun, cartoon style.”

    • Choose the right visual style : offers a variety of visual style options, from modern, classic to abstract. For optimal performance, choose a style that fits the message you want to convey. This is especially important in marketing, where every image needs to align with your brand strategy.

    • Test Variations Regularly : One of ’s strengths is its ability to generate multiple variations of a text description. To find the optimal option, don’t be afraid to experiment and compare different results. You can tweak the description slightly, change the style, or even ask for specific details to make the image more unique.

    • Take advantage of editing features : Once your image is created, you can continue to tweak elements like color, lighting, and composition. Don’t be afraid to spend time on this step, as it can make your image look more professional and closer to your vision.


XI. Conclusion: – Breakthrough Creative Solution for Businesses and Individuals is not only an AI image generator but also a breakthrough creative solution for both businesses and individuals.  With its high customization, friendly interface, and flexible features, Leonardo app  truly brings great value to every creative need. Not only does it help reduce costs and time, it also opens up many new opportunities in developing creative ideas.

  • Unleash creative potential : offers unlimited flexibility and creativity, from creating artistic images to effective marketing solutions.

  • Don't miss out on today : Try it out and unlock the limitless possibilities of creativity! Get started now to bring your ideas to life more easily and efficiently than ever before.

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